Table of Contents

USB Client

By default, USB client support is used for deploying and debugging applications. However, deploying and debugging can be switched to a serial mode using MOD pin, freeing the USB Client port to serve other purposes.

The USB port can also be freed by completely disabling the USB debug interface, which is a feature of ip protection.


Feature found in the GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.UsbClient NuGet and namespace

USB Mouse

In this mode, the hardware acts as a USB mouse. The driver supports absolute and relative modes. In relative mode, the MoveCursor method will move the cursor from current location, where ever it might be. Meaning, MoveCursor(10,0) followed by MoveCursor(-10,0) will move the cursor and immediately move it back where it started.

In absolute mode, MoveCursor sets the cursor from (0,0), which is in the top left corner of the screen.

var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();
var absolutePosition = true;
var mouse = new Mouse(usbclientController, absolutePosition);

mouse.DeviceStateChanged += UsbClientDeviceStateChanged;


void UsbClientDeviceStateChanged(RawDevice sender, DeviceState state) {
var i = 0.0;
    if (state == DeviceState.Configured) {
        new Thread(() => {
            while (true) {
                    Mouse.MaxRange /4 + (int)(Math.Cos(i) * Mouse.MaxRange / 10),
                    Mouse.MaxRange /4 + (int)(Math.Sin(i) * Mouse.MaxRange / 10));

USB Keyboard

A USB Keyboard is simulated in this mode. The keys used can be Press, Release or Stroke (which is same as a Press followed by Release).

var usbClientSetting = new UsbClientSetting() {
    ManufactureName = "Manufacture_Name",
    ProductName = "Product_Name",
    SerialNumber = "serialnumber",
var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();
var kb = new Keyboard(usbclientController, usbClientSetting);
var key = new Key[] { Key.G, Key.H, Key.I, Key.Space, Key.E, Key.L, Key.E, Key.C, Key.T, Key.R, Key.O, Key.N, Key.I, Key.C, Key.S };

while (kb.DeviceState != DeviceState.Configured)
    Thread.Sleep(100);// wait or use events

kb.Press(Key.LeftShift);// hold shift down
for (var i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) {
    Thread.Sleep(500);// type it twice a second
kb.Release(Key.LeftShift);// release shift

USB Joystick

Devices running TinyCLR OS can simulate a Joystick.

var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();

var usbClientSetting = new UsbClientSetting() {
    ManufactureName = "Manufacture_Name",
    ProductName = "Product_Name",
    SerialNumber = "serialnumber",

var joystick = new Joystick(usbclientController, usbClientSetting);
joystick.DeviceStateChanged += UsbClientDeviceStateChanged;



void UsbClientDeviceStateChanged(RawDevice sender, DeviceState state) {
    if (state == DeviceState.Configured) {
        new Thread(() => {
            Joystick joystick = (Joystick)sender;
            while (true) {

USB Mass Storage

Devices running TinyCLR OS can act as a Mass Storage Device, giving a connected PC access to files. For example, a datalogger can save parameters to an internal SD card but, when USB cable is connected, the datalogger can stop logging data and give the USB bus access to the SD card. This allows a PC to then read the files as if it is reading any USB storage device.

SD card

var sd = StorageController.FromName(SC20100.StorageController.SdCard);

var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();

var usbclient_masstorage = new MassStorage(usbclientController);

var ready = false;
usbclient_masstorage.DeviceStateChanged += (a, b) => {
	Debug.WriteLine("state : " + b.ToString());

	if (b == DeviceState.Configured)
	ready = true;



while (!ready) ;

// Wait few seconds for PC set up new drive



When external flash is used for external deployment or any other purposes (Tiny FileSystem), do not enable QSPI for USB Mass Storage. USB Mass Storage uses entire 16MB of QSPI. Once formatted, all data will be lost!

var qspi = StorageController.FromName(SC20100.StorageController.QuadSpi);

var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();

var usbclient_masstorage = new MassStorage(usbclientController);

var ready = false;
usbclient_masstorage.DeviceStateChanged += (a, b) => {
	Debug.WriteLine("state : " + b.ToString());

	if (b == DeviceState.Configured)
	ready = true;



while (!ready);

// Wait few seconds for PC set up new drive

USB thumb drive

var usbHostController = UsbHostController.GetDefault();

StorageController strogareController = null;

var usbHostReady = false;

usbHostController.OnConnectionChangedEvent += (a, b) => {
	switch (b.DeviceStatus) {
		case DeviceConnectionStatus.Connected:
			switch (b.Type) {
				case BaseDevice.DeviceType.MassStorage:
					strogareController = StorageController.FromName(SC20260.StorageController.UsbHostMassStorage);
					usbHostReady = true;


while (!usbHostReady);

var usbclientController = UsbClientController.GetDefault();

var usbclient_masstorage = new MassStorage(usbclientController);

var ready = false;

usbclient_masstorage.DeviceStateChanged += (a, b) => {
	Debug.WriteLine("state : " + b.ToString());

	if (b == DeviceState.Configured)
		ready = true;



while (!ready);

// Wait few seconds for PC set up new drive

PC Data Transfer

This feature is used to transfer data between the hardware and a PC. See PC Data Comm for details.


For advanced users, virtually any type of USB device can be created using USB Raw. The USB mouse driver inside GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.UsbClient is a good example of how this can be achieved.