Table of Contents

Analog In

Unlike digital input pins, which can only read high or low, analog pins can read a range of voltage levels. Microcontrollers based on 3.3V can typically read voltages anywhere between zero and 3.3V. Analog inputs connect internally to an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) that converts the analog voltage level on the pin to a digital value.


Note that the analog channel number is not the pin number. You need to determine the channel number of a specific pin using your system's documentation.

The resolution of the ADC determines its accuracy. An 8bit ADC has 256 steps to work with, 3.3V/256=0.013V. This means an increase of 0.013V will increase the ADC value by one. In other words, a voltage change of less than 0.013V has no effect.

var adc = AdcController.FromName(SC20100.Adc.Controller1.Id);
var analog = adc.OpenChannel(SC20100.Adc.Controller1.PA0);

while (true) {
    double d = analog.ReadRatio();
    Debug.WriteLine("An-> " + d.ToString("N2"));

Support Sampling timing

Changing sampling time can be configured as follows:

adcChannel.SamplingTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(10); // Set to 1us (a tick is 100ns)

SITCore allows these sampling times. If the SamplingTime is between two values above, the higher values will be used.


SITCore ADC resolution by device

SC20xxx = 16 bit

SC13xxx = 12 bit

Ticks SC20xxx (Full/Half Speed)
0 23ns
1 132ns
2 257ns
5 507ns
10 1007ns
60 6054ns
126 12664ns
Ticks SC13xxx (Full Speed)
0 81ns
1 156ns
3 306ns
5 593ns
11 1156ns
30 3094ns
80 8006ns
Ticks SC13xxx (Half Speed)
1 162ns
3 312ns
6 612ns
11 1187ns
23 2312ns
60 6187ns
160 16012ns

Default is 1 tick.

Temperature sensor

SITCore support reading temperature sensor.

var sc20xxx = DeviceInformation.DeviceName.IndexOf("SC20") >= 0 ? true : false;

var ts_reg1 = sc20xxx ? (IntPtr)0x1FF1E820 : (IntPtr)0x1FFF75A8;
var ts_reg2 = sc20xxx ? (IntPtr)0x1FF1E840 : (IntPtr)0x1FFF75CA;
var enable_reg = sc20xxx ? (IntPtr)((0x40000000U + 0x18020000 + 0x6300 + 8)) : (IntPtr)(0x40000000U + 0x08000000U + 0x08040300U + 8);

var controller = sc20xxx ? AdcController.FromName(SC20100.Adc.Controller3.Id) : AdcController.FromName(SC13048.Adc.Controller1.Id);
var channel = sc20xxx ? controller.OpenChannel(SC20100.Adc.Controller3.InternalTemperatureSensor) : controller.OpenChannel(SC13048.Adc.Controller1.InternalTemperatureSensor);            
var enable_val = Marshal.ReadInt32(enable_reg);

enable_val |= (1 << 23);

Marshal.WriteInt32(enable_reg, enable_val);

while (true)
    var v = channel.ReadValue() * 1.0;

    var ts1 = Marshal.ReadInt32(ts_reg1);
    var ts2 = Marshal.ReadInt32(ts_reg2);

    if (!sc20xxx)
        ts1 &= 0xFFFF;
        ts2 &= 0xFFFF;
        v *= 1.1;

    var t1 = (110 - 30) * 1.0;
    var t2 = (ts2 - ts1) * 1.0;
    var t3 = (v - ts1) * 1.0;

    var temperature = t1 / t2 * t3 + 30;

    Debug.WriteLine("T = " + temperature + " Celsius");                
