Table of Contents


.NET vs TinyCLR OS

Professional Community

Our forum consists of intelligent professionals building commercial products based on SITCore and TinyCLR OS. And it is monitored and supported by our staff.

Samples Repo

The samples repo a collection of projects we have built around TinyCLR OS, including the samples we ship on SITCore boards.

Drivers Repo

These are drivers built for common devices used by us and our commercial customers. These drivers are also available as NuGet packages. Feel free to use the sources to build your own. All of these drivers are documented here inside documentation.

Libraries Repo

These are the entire set of libraries included with TinyCLR OS. Use to get a deeper understanding of the operating system. We do not recommend making changes but recommendations are welcome.

This is also the home for all public TinyCLR OS issues

Docs Repo

Basically, everything you see here comes from this repo.