Table of Contents


MQTT is a light weight messaging protocol for sensors that is supported by all major cloud services. See the following cloud provider pages for further details: Azure, AWS and Google Cloud.

The following is a simple example of MQTT:


Needed NuGets: GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Networking.Mqtt

var caCertificate = new X509Certificate(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Your certificate"));

var mqttHost = "your_host";
var mqttPort = 8883; //default 8883
var deviceId = "your_device_id";

var username = "your_username";
var password = "your_password";
var topic = "your_topic";

try {
    var clientSetting = new MqttClientSetting {
        BrokerName = mqttHost,
        BrokerPort = mqttPort,
        ClientCertificate = null,
        CaCertificate = caCertificate,
        SslProtocol = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12

    var client = new Mqtt(clientSetting);

    var connectSetting = new MqttConnectionSetting {
        ClientId = deviceId,
        UserName = username,
        Password = password

    // Connect to host
    var returnCode = client.Connect(connectSetting);

    var packetId = 1;
    // Subscribe to a topic
    client.Subscribe(new string[] { topic }, new QoSLevel[] { QoSLevel.ExactlyOnce },

    // Publish a topic
    client.Publish(topic, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("your message"), QoSLevel.MostOnce,
        false, (ushort)packetId);

    // Publish recieved change from a specific topic
    client.PublishReceivedChanged += (object sender, string topic, byte[] data, bool duplicate, QoSLevel qosLevel, bool retain) => {
    Debug.WriteLine("Received message: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data));

catch (Exception e) { 

The MQTT driver in TinyCLR OS supports client mode only.

The PublishedReceivedChanged Event allows you to select the topic that the device receives the change from.

Event Handler

The Mqtt driver provides five events:

client.PublishReceivedChanged += (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) => { Debug.WriteLine("Received message");};
client.PublishedChanged += (a, b, c) => { Debug.WriteLine("Published Changed."); }; ;
client.SubscribedChanged += (a, b, c) => { Debug.WriteLine("Subscribed Changed."); };
client.ConnectedChanged += (a) => { Debug.WriteLine("Connected Changed."); };
client.UnsubscribedChanged += (a, b) => { Debug.WriteLine("Unsubscribed Changed."); };